To get live API access, your integration must pass certain tests. This will make sure that it meets our technical standards and best practices.
For each capability, the tests cover Essential and Enhanced functionalities. Your integration must pass at least one of the Essential functionality tests to get live access.
We recommend using the Enhanced functionalities to allow dealers to get the full benefits of the service.
We'll cover the tests for the following functionalities:
Requesting image order (Essential)
Identifying missing imagery (Enhanced)
For each check, there will be three ways that we will validate the check is passed:
Demonstration - We will expect you to show us your code or your UI
Call log validation - We will check your API calls to our service to make sure the call is made correctly
Database check - We will check our database to see whether the correct attribute has been updated
Requesting image order (Essential)
To request Co-Driver image ordering, make a POST request to the Co-Driver API with the stock ID of the vehicle you want to order the imagery of and the advertiser ID the deal belongs to, plus the images=true parameter.
If a request is made on a stock ID that has no imagery at all added, a full list of missing imagery classifications will be returned in the recommended order.
Test |
How we'll check it |
Able to fulfil mandatory checks in the Media Updates functionality in the Media Updates capability Go Live checks |
Able to call the Co-Driver API with the images=true parameter to request the recommended imager order |
Call log validation |
Able to display the new co-driver recommended image order to user for final approval |
Demonstration and Database check |
Able to remove the null image values from the Co-Driver image order response before updating the advert |
Demonstration and call log validation |
Optional checks |
The user must validate the new image order and accept the re-ordering for submission to the advert |
Demonstration and Database check |
Able to request a recommended image order for a vehicle that has no imagery using the vehicleType parameter on the Images API |
Demonstration and call log validation |
Identifying missing imagery (Enhanced)
Partners can also utilise the Smart Ordered Imagery service to identify missing imagery. For example, when a request is completed with an incomplete set of images, some ‘null’ values may be returned in the response indicating which images are missing - such as the imageId and href data points.
Test | How we'll check it |
Able to handle missing image classifications, displaying them to user and removing from payload before being sent to update advert | Demonstration and Database check |