With the Vehicle Metrics capability on Auto Trader Connect, you can view our vehicle metrics via the Vehicles API, Stock API, and Vehicle Metrics API.
Here's a full list of the functionality:
- Vehicle lookup vehicle metrics
- In-stock vehicle metrics
- Adjusted vehicle metrics
- Advertiser ID location-adjusted
- Latitude and longitude location-adjusted
- Price-adjusted days to sell
- Confidence of sale
The vehicle metrics that will be provided by this capability are:
- Supply – A value to represent the national supply for a vehicle on Auto Trader over the last 7 days, compared to the supply over the last 6 months. This will return as a decimal in the API, which you need to show as a percentage.
- Demand – A value to represent the national demand for a vehicle on Auto Trader over the last 7 days, compared to the demand over the last 6 months. This is calculated based on consumer activity on similar vehicles. This will return as a decimal in the API, which you need to show as a percentage.
- Market Condition – A value to represent the current market condition for a vehicle, based on the supply and demand. This will return as a decimal in the API, which you need to show as a percentage.
- Days to Sell – A value based on several factors to estimate the number of days a vehicle will take to sell. This will return a decimal, that you need to round up to show a full number of days.
- Retail Rating - Retail Rating is our metric for measuring a vehicle’s desirability based on national sale figures, supply, demand, the current market condition and several other factors.
Vehicle lookup vehicle metrics
As part of this capability, you’ll be able to view our retail rating via the Vehicles API.
To see this, you’ll need to make a GET request to the Vehicles API with:
- The Auto Trader advertiser ID of the dealer the request is for
- The VRM in the registration query parameter
- The vehicle’s mileage in the query string parameter odometerReadingMiles
- The query string parameter vehicleMetrics=true
If successful, you’ll get a JSON object that contains the vehicle data and vehicle metrics. None of these metrics will be location-adjusted. They’re all based on the national market.
Check out examples of Vehicle API calls
In-stock vehicle metrics
You’ll also have access to view our vehicle metrics via the Stock API for vehicles an advertiser has in stock.
To see this, you’ll need to make a GET request to the Stock API with:
- The Auto Trader advertiser ID of the dealer the request is for
- The query string parameter vehicleMetrics=true
- The page and pageSize query string parameters for pagination
If successful, you’ll get an array of stock records. Each record will have a JSON object that contains the vehicle metrics data for that in-stock vehicle.
This will include the national vehicle metrics for all metric types. It will also include location-adjusted retail rating and days to sell, based on the location of the advertiser you have requested stock for.
Check out examples of Stock API calls
Retrieve vehicle metrics
You’ll also be able to access and adjust our vehicle metrics via the Vehicle Metrics API.
To get this, you will need to make a POST request to the Vehicle Metrics API with a minimum of:
- The Auto Trader advertiser ID of the dealer the request is for
- The request body should include:
- The vehicle’s derivative ID
- The vehicle’s first registration date
- The vehicle’s mileage
If successful, you’ll get a JSON object that contains the vehicle metrics for that vehicle. If no further data is supplied, none of these metrics will be location-adjusted, and will all be based on the national market.
Advertiser ID location-adjusted
To get location-adjusted vehicle metrics based on advertiser ID, add the advertiser IDs that you would like to get adjusted metrics for in the payload of your POST request.
This will adjust retail rating and days to sell based on a 50-mile radius from the dealer's location. The other vehicle metrics data points will still be provided in the response but they will not be adjusted.
Latitude and longitude location-adjusted
To get location-adjusted vehicle metrics based on latitude and longitude, add the relevant latitude and longitudes for one or multiple locations in the payload of your POST request.
This will adjust retail rating and days to sell based on a 50-mile radius from the latitude and longitude provided. The other vehicle metrics data points will still be provided in the response but they will not be adjusted.
Price-adjusted days to sell
The days-to-sell value provided by the Vehicles API, Stock API, and Vehicle Metrics API is based on whether the vehicle is advertised at a price that matches our retail valuation exactly.
If you would like to get a price-adjusted days to sell value based on the price the vehicle will actually be listed at, then you can add a retail price attribute to the POST request. This will adjust the days to sell based on that price, instead of our retail valuation.
The price provided needs to be between 90%-110% of our retail valuation, or you’ll get an error.
Confidence of sale
The Vehicle Metrics API can also provide a confidence of sale rating.
To get this, add each of the target days the dealer would like the confidence rating for and the current days in stock for the vehicle in the payload of your POST request.
We can provide the following confidence of sale ratings for each of the target days provided:
- LOW - 0-33% chance of sale by that day
- MEDIUM - 33%-66% chance of sale by that day
- HIGH - 66%-100% chance of sale by that day
- MISSED - Target day has already passed
- NO_ANALYSIS - No analysis available for this vehicle
Check out examples of Vehicle Metric API calls
Error Handling
When using the APIs above, you may get error response codes that you need to handle. This makes sure you have a smooth service for both you, as a partner, and your end user.