With the Search Finance capability on Auto Trader Connect, you can get advert details for a given set of dealers based on finance parameters provided.
Here’s a full list of the functionality:
- Search finance options
- Search monthly price
Search finance options
To see finance estimates for vehicles returned by the Search API, you will need to do a GET request with the financeOption parameter included.
The financeOption parameter should be made up of the mileage, deposit, and term separated by underscores.
For example, a financeOption parameter of 10000_1000_36 would mean:
- Annual mileage: 10,000 miles
- Deposit: £1000
- Term: 36 months
A list of valid values for the financeOption parameter is available in the developer documentation.
If successful, the response will show details of the finance estimate. This will include monthly price, product, total amount payable and other relevant finance data.
Check out an example of how to use the finance options on the Search API
Search monthly price
When doing a finance search, you can also include the following to filter adverts to those within the requested monthly price range:
- A minimum monthly price
- A maximum monthly price
- Both a minimum and a maximum monthly price
To add a minimum monthly price filter, include the minMonthlyPrice parameter in your Search API request with the value you want to be the minimum monthly price.
To add a maximum monthly price filter, include the maxMonthlyPrice parameter in your Search API request with the value you want to be the maximum monthly price.
Check out an example of monthly price filtering on the Search API
Error handling
When using the APIs above, you may get error response codes that you need to handle. This makes sure you have a smooth service for both you, as a partner, and your end user.