A VIN is a Vehicle Identification Number. Also known as a 'chassis number' or 'frame number'.
This is a unique code the automotive industry uses to identify a specific vehicle. It's a permanent identifier that stays the same throughout the vehicle's life.
You can usually find the VIN:
In the V5C (logbook) and insurance paperwork
On the dashboard, near the windscreen on the passenger's side
Stamped on the vehicle's chassis. You can find it in one of these common places:
Underneath the spare tyre, if the spare is in the boot
Inside the driver-side door. Open the door and look underneath where the side-view mirror would be if the door were shut.
On the front of the engine block. Open the bonnet and look at the front of the engine.
On the front of the vehicle frame, near the bottle that holds the windscreen washer fluid
In the rear wheel well, directly above the tyre
Driver-side door post. Open the door and look near the spot where the door shuts, close to the seatbelt return.
When buying a used vehicle, you should check that the VIN number on the vehicle matches the one listed on the V5C. Make sure you check the VIN in as many places as you can.
If you think someone has tampered with the VIN or potentially cloned the car you should:
Contact the Police and DVLA
Found the vehicle on Auto Trader? Email our Customer Security Team or call 0330 303 9001 and let us know the vehicle registration
If you have bought an Auto Trader Vehicle Check, make sure you confirm the VIN before you buy the vehicle. If you don't, your data guarantee won't be validated and you won't be covered.